This was our first dinner after our honeymoon. We didn't have anything in the house but beef jerky, cereal, sardines, cheese, bagels, and crackers, so we made a meal out of it. Definitely memorable.
This is just before Brian forced me to my doom, er, that is, learning to cut his hair. He helped me quite a bit, but I'm so glad I'm not making a career out of this! He is often more confident in my abilities than I am!
Our bed for the first few weeks. We've never before been so thankful for a bed!
Our first dinner after Brian went back to work. I've had plenty to keep me busy, and have enjoyed being on my own, but have started to feel pretty lonely. He works all day and I don't have anywhere to go and limited places to walk. My mom and grandmothers have had a tradition of setting the table this way, lighting candles, playing nice music, and dressing up a bit for their husbands, and while I have the time, I really enjoy making things fun. Brian seems to enjoy it as well. Life is all about taking pleasure in the simple things and making the most of everything! We are both perfectionists, so it's been interesting to work out our "particular" ways of doing things. Or, "well, we've always done it that way!" It's made for some fun eye openers and interesting laughs.
We grilled one night at a local park, but it was so windy and chilly that we ended up eating in the truck.
The view from our balcony! I am so thankful for trees and mountains! I do miss flowers and gardening some, though.
The other side of the balcony view...
Baking day! Iced tea, Cream of Tomato Soup, Peanut Butter Blossoms (gluten and dairy free!), Banana Nut Muffins (with wheat germ, flax seed, and protein powder!), and Smoked Gouda Croissant Sandwiches (thanks to Sharon Sunday!). I so enjoy cooking and baking and really feel alive and inspired when doing so. I could do it all day--experimenting, etc, if I didn't have other things to do. Someday, I'm going to be a really good cook (Brian says I do splendidly now) and take gourmet cooking classes. Two of my favorite cooking movies: No Reservations and Julie and Julia (minus a few scenes) inspire me. I also found a few of my favorite, but out of print, cookbooks on amazon for $0.47! I was so happy because I've been borrowing my mom's indefinitely...
More baking! Clone of a Cinnabon! I've had a hard time learning to cook for two people and it helps to keep me busy all day. Thus, the guys at Brian's work end up with the leftovers and it makes them rather happy fellows.
Pizza crust!
Brian and I have called this dear little friend our "baby." It has truly been a blessing! I like this model the best of the ones I have used--it has all metal gears, matches my kitchen Tuscan theme, and latches on the bottom instead of that nasty lever for the bowl.
Brian is such a sweet guy! He washed the dishes for me after baking all day, and I was really tired, and had a hard time standing. He does things like this rather frequently. I reciprocate with a backrub. The only thing lacking right now is a piano....but I have a keyboard that I'm keeping my eye on for right now. I very much miss playing.
Married life is incredible! I had no idea it could be this good or just get better and better! We both aren't sure how we could possibly have ever been happy or content with singleness. Definitely an adventure! We're on the hunt right now for a good church in our area. This Tuesday we will celebrate our one month anniversary. Hard to believe it's been that long already. It seems so short and yet like it has been this way for years. We believe that celebrating things often is such fun. Brian is working on honeymoon pictures, and should have them up soon.
A + B