Sleeping sweetly, but beginning to wake up. He usually begins to peek one eye open at at time.
"Um, hello? Is anyone still there? I'm awake now!"
"Hi, Mom! Guess what? I'm awake now and hungry, but I'm glad to see you're still here to pick me up." Greg loves to give Mommy smiles, and this particular one steals my heart every time. Especially when he squints his bruised eye.
"Enough with the pictures already. I don't like that flash. I'm hungry!"
"Oh, fine. I'll humor you with one more..."
"Yay! We can eat now! Are you going to quit tickling me?" (Sorry about the hand in the way; I'm still working on the baby-wrangler-while-trying-to-take-a-picture-&-keep-limbs-out-of-the-way-&-get-the-baby-to-smile skill.)
"I thought we were through with pictures."
The makings of a big yawn...
Full belly and all happy! He usually scrunches up his mouth really cute, but I didn't quite get it on camera. He's 3 weeks in these photos.