Yes, that's right! At two months, Greg can be a real charmer. His latest stats are that he weighs 12.9 lbs. and 23.5 inches long. Greg loves to laugh and play, and play, and play, and play. This little man loves noises, is easily distracted, and wants to be in perpetual motion. (All boy anyone?!!?) He is already able to roll halfway over and wants to be part of the adult world. He doesn't cry for what he wants; instead, he'll focus on you, stare hard, and babble. Each bit of "talking" and facial expression means a different thing--Mommy and Daddy are getting to be quite the decoding detectives! He sleeps all night long, but likes to be very awake during the day. He has recently learned to grasp toys and can make his playmat sing. He loves to be read to and will babble along with you while you read. Music is still another favorite activity, and so is the great outdoors. (For once, I wish winter would go away so it would be warm enough to spend more time outdoors!) A few of the latest pictures:
"I don't like the game you're playing!"
"Much better..."
Such a ham!
As Brian would say, "A face that only a Mother could love." This was on a sick day where Greg had a fever and everything was just wrong.
Greg likes to sleep all stretched out. Funny thing is, he imitates his Daddy quite well.
My little man!
Trying out the new play mat.
Smiles all 'round! This is one of Greg's new outfits in the next size up.