This post is an attempt to answer questions and issues I’ve received recently. I am still very new to all this, which is why this is an attempt. Bear with me, please.
How does one develop a gluten intolerance?
* I am not exactly sure. I do know that it is genetic. And that millions of people all over the world have it and don’t know it. Or are misdiagnosed. People who struggle with eczema, colic, insomnia, high cholesterol, diabetes, etc. actually have a gluten intolerance/celiac disease. It’s being proven everyday as more and more are diagnosed. People don’t need to be on the drugs they take to control their problem; they change their diet and all of life improves. My friends work first hand with people like this. However, a gluten intolerance usually needs something “big” to push it out in the open…something like marriage and a miscarriage. Yup, it’s true. Many women who struggle with normal cycles, severe PMS symptoms, hormones, infertility, etc is very much related to gluten. It is also a recent problem; in all the thousands of years of humanity, it has really only been a problem for the last 60 years or so. Before the rise of processed foods, skim milk, pasteurization, chemical additives, man made products, preservatives, genetic alteration, health and safety violations, etc. I’ll get to that later. What basically happens is that your immune system attacks itself. For me, this meant severe exhaustion, hormonal abnormalities, itchy skin, dry skin, rashes, painful sores on my feet, reproductive problems, severe abdominal cramping, bloating, and pain, indigestion, constant headaches, foggy/unclear thinking, inability to concentrate, depression/mood swings, immune system shut down every 2-3 weeks that resulted in a week of fevers and viral like symptoms, and a host of other problems. Since freedom from gluten, a lot of these symptoms have simply miraculously disappeared. When I went back on, they returned. It’s as simple as that.
Why not just go off gluten yourself? Why include Brian?
* I could do this by myself. Quite frankly, I need my husband’s support. Besides, I found it difficult enough to cook for two people vs. a family, and doing each meal separate would be awful…not to mention time consuming. I have to be tedious and meticulous everywhere I go—I want to feel that my house, at least, is safe for me. I don’t want to constantly scrutinize labels in my house. I want to know that there is one place I don’t have to think or worry about gluten. And, when I make meals, and he likes them, that is the best source for knowing if it’s actually good or not.
Books to Read
· If you want to join me on this journey and understand the implications of this, check out these books. I talked some family members into reading these, just so I can have someone to talk to who actually understands. And it’s easier than me trying to explain everything in a mediocre fashion.
· Gluten Free Girl by Shauna James Ahern (great story)
· Healthier without Wheat by Dr. Stephen Wangen (short book. Easy reading)
· Gluten Free living for Dummies.
· Better yet, go check out the GF section at your local library or bookstore.
· Because I sold some MK this week, and got a super good deal on something, Brian’s letting me order a few GF cookbooks to get some inspiration and help…because this is totally different. (he claimed this was an excuse for me to get more kitchen equipment…I’m contemplating a meat grinder and pasta maker attachment for my Kitchen aid. A bread machine with a GF setting (because it’s different—you don’t knead these breads). A juicer. A food mill—so I can cut the cost of buying flour; if you check out the prices, you’ll understand. Among other things.) SO EXCITED!
Whole Milk/True Butter
* Good fats vs. Bad fats. You know the reports that circulated years ago about milk, butter, etc causing high cholesterol. Heart attacks, etc.? It has recently been proven that there is no scientific evidence for it. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Our bodies are having problems because we don’t get enough good fats and too many bad fats. So, drink your raw or whole milk (it’s a healing food—especially for someone like me), eat your butter (margarine, etc are all just a chemical process away from rubber/plastic!), and don’t buy anything low fat or skim! It has gluten in it and plenty of chemicals—and those are causing the problem. Besides, girl’s hormones are based in fat, so if you aren’t getting enough good fats, you’re in for trouble. I know, I know. This all sounds crazy and totally opposite from everything we were taught. Read and research both sides of the argument. I’m buying this side of it because a) I’m lactose intolerant, b) It’s healing/working for me, and c) My friends have proven it. But I say, do what works for you. I only know that it makes me sick and it’s healthier to do without. At least you won’t be shocked when you come to my house and examine my cupboards and refrigerator. I’ll stop here…
Soy, Dairy, Gluten
* It seems I’m also reacting to soy. Processed dairy (bye bye processed cheese..guess I have to stick with aged cheeses…like swiss, provolone, gouda, etc… HA! No problem there!)
* So…how many of you want to join me? Cause I’m ready for a party! Janet, Charity, Bethany—do you want to have an allergy free party with me? Do you think we can get other people to join us? Anybody out there want to try this diet for 3 weeks (a typical elimination diet is 6 weeks, so I’m making it easier for you)? Come on. You know you want to try it just for the experience. We could empathize together. Swap stories. Tell me how you feel at the end of it. Kind of like fasting—cleansing diets are good for you…at least once in your life.
* I know some of you think I’m crazy. Wimpy. Making it all up. In the words of my husband, “They have no idea what they’re talking about until they’ve been through it themselves.” I suppose that’s one way of looking at it. I used to think that, too. “They need to just get a life! Deal with it!” I suppose what goes around comes around. Really, we all are different and God leads us in different directions. With that said, we really can’t judge anyone for how they eat, raise their kids, or live their lives. “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” Now, there is a difference between judging and a difference of opinion. But honestly, it’s okay if you think I’m nuts. Sometimes I do as well.
Food Loss
* No pizza from a pizza shop. No animal crackers. Graham crackers. Sour gummy worms. Decent pretzels. Ice cream (unless I can find some that is GF). Samples at Sam’s. Martin’s potato rolls. Fig Newtons. Ritz crackers. I know, I’m listing junk food. Which I don’t eat often anyway. Walk through a store after realizing the extent of a GF diet and it will be enough to make anyone blue. But, I can make all these things. I found GF recipes. Thing is, everything from now on must be made from scratch. No easy out for a busy mommy. It’s a good thing this happened now when I have the time to figure it all out.
* I can now see God’s hand in my life leading me to this point. He gave me a very broad palette; I like just about any food, except liver, tongue, brain, and squid. I’ll try anything. It’s a good thing because most ethnic food is GF. Since I already like this food, it means I don’t have to force myself to like certain foods just because they’re GF. My foot injury years ago taught me endurance, dependence on Christ, denial, sacrifice, creativity, and a willingness/desire to be different. I’ve always liked being different. I was a shy little girl, but various situations in my life forced me to be assertive. To learn to stand out. To not care what other’s thought (well…..still working on that one). Now I AM different. And loving it. So many things brought me to this point. And I’m grateful. My father-in-law is right: a book is necessary. I now have words that I didn’t have before. I’ll start writing, but I’ll probably wait for a few years so I can have some past perspective. I’m thankful my Mom taught us to make do with what we had and to do it well. To be creative. To try new things. To never follow a recipe—but to experiment and substitute. That is a necessary skill now. My Dad is the best flipper of food I know of—pancakes, eggs, sandwiches, etc. And the best cone twirler. He likes to put special touches on things. My Grandmas introduced us to a different style of food and taught us to laugh, not cry, at life. My father-in-law makes amazing breakfast food—and he makes the best eggs I’ve ever had. (wonder if I can find American cheese I can eat?). My mother-in-law introduced me to Mexican cooking. My sisters and sisters-in-law are the best ones a girl could ask for—support, chats, laughter, empathy, fun times. Brothers are fun, too. My husband is the dearest thing on earth to me and he daily amazes me. I love him so much. God has truly blessed me.
Eating Out
· Brian is taking me out to eat tonight. That should be an adventure. Most of the GF restaurants, stores, and bakeries are all in the big cities: Baltimore, Dallas, Seattle, Atlanta, Lexington, etc. Guess we’re just going to have to move. Or, start my own store/bakery. Anyone want to help? I’d appreciate prayers for finding inexpensive stores to shop at that have ingredients I can use. So far, my search has proved futile.
· The part about this diet that is going to be hard for me is visiting family and friends. I can’t just agree to go have dinner with someone. It’s easier if you visit me. Or if I prepare all my own meals. Because unless you understand what GF means, it’s easy to slip up. I HATE causing extra work/trouble for people. Asking questions as to what every ingredient is. (so, can I check those hamburgers and the marinade you used?) Honestly, it’s just easier if you just give me fruits, veggies, potatoes, eggs, and rice. Then you don’t have to worry at all. And I don’t have to feel bad. I’ll even make it. But, I’m going to have to learn to ask questions confidently if I don’t want to end up on the couch sick.
What I do All Day
· No, just because I am home all day without kids to take care of doesn’t mean I do nothing all day. I’m working on a few work-at-home jobs. More on that later. I research housing/jobs. Right now, I research and study living GF. I love to study, so I just started learning biblical greek/Hebrew/latin. No, don’t quiz me yet. I cook/bake. It takes time. I clean and organize my house. I read. A ton. I work on a few projects: scrapbooking and writing. Our inventory list which consists of detailing the brand, item, price, and usage duration of everything that comes into this house. It’s a work in progress, but when finished, will accurately predict our household expenses month-by-month. Seasonal menus. GF cooking requires planning. I’ve been working on a versatile, family-friendly/favorites, seasonal, year-long menu plan. This is complete with adding new dishes, grocery lists, and recipes (with each step for each dish in order of how it needs to be done—like we did at Verity). My school plan. After teaching school and writing curriculums, I’m planning 12 years of school. I know each child will be different and that things will change. However, if I plan and research as much as I can now, it will save me time later. I’ve always been an organizer and planner. And now that you think I’m completely insane…. I’ll stop there. J
Most soy is GMO, that may have something to do with it.
ReplyDeleteSend us a few favorite recipes before your visit and we'll fix them for you. THen I won't have to spend time planning the meals. Ha!!!
Love you bunches.
:) Not sure I have a ton to say about this post BUT I can say that I do love you! :)
ReplyDeleteyeah... I like reading those kind of books. Medical knowledge is great. I should give you some of my books so you can know how to read charts and things. Yes, for natural fats!! I am so SICK of seeing people buy low fat or skim.. the REAL thing people!! God made it that way, don't say no to his plan.
ReplyDeleteAs for the end of your post: I can see you are still my older sister. :-) Planned and full of study.You know I mean this with lots of love. It's nice to know you are still the sister I grew up with. I like to study but not that much!!!! Love you!!
Ps. don't worry what people think with what you do.. or how you eat. They don't understand food allergies like we do..have never struggled with them like we have. Just don't listen to them. They are full of bologna not you. Using a British term:Stuff it.
ReplyDeletewarning: this is a long comment due to the fact that I'm answering your post on my blog and I'm comment on this post. :)
ReplyDeleteYou’d be surprised at what people will agree to once they notice a change in you…looking healthy, not getting sick, skin glowing! I’d love love LOVE to come visit you for a while. That would be amazing…and tremendous fun. I’m all up for raw food/gluten free parties. ;) and yes, try the green smoothie! You won’t believe how good it is! I will start emailing you recipes that I’ve gathered. I shop at Whole Foods and Trader Joes. Do you have those stores where you are? If not, there are tons of health food websites out there that sell food in bulk, like nuts, seeds, etc. Do you have a local farmers market? That’s always good too. I’m sure you know that locally grown produce is better. I will definitely look up your books…and let me know how you like the books I’ve recommended. Also, have you tried sprouting? I’m just discovering the “world” of sprouting and it’s…incredible.
I’ve never heard of or tried raw coffee, but I will check it out! Actually coffee is one of those things I miss every once in a while…not all the time. ;)
I like what Brian says. No one really does know what it’s like unless they’ve been through it! Also, I wanted to tell you that Bob’s Red Mill has a whole LINE of GF stuff!! I was at Whole Foods yesterday and saw all of it and of course, thought of you. Lots of mixes…pancakes, brownies, muffins, etc. You should check it out! It might be a nice break from experimenting. ;) Also, I’m not sure if they’re GF, but there are a lot of “healthy” ice cream brands out there! Try the So Delicious brand…made with coconut milk!
More power to us healthy, raw, extraordinary girls!! Love you dearest.
p.s. I will totally help you start a GF/raw bakery/café/restaurant! :)
Ooooh...we have a whole little club of people who are eating "weird food" (as it is so lovingly called by some ;)) I'm in on swapping stories, ideas, recipes, and such...and a time together sounds like f.u.n.!!!! =D