December 31, 2012

Birthday Photo Shoot, Part 1

Several weeks ago, we went on a photo shoot.  And because I can't decide which pictures to post, because I'm biased and think my child is the cutest kid in the world, I'm going to post most of parts.  Bear with me.  Proud Mother.

 Look!  A slide!  YES!!

 I'm done, guys.  I don't want to do this anymore.

 Ok, fine.  I'll try to look cute.

 See, look what I can do!

 Here--have the hat!

 Really?  MORE pictures?

 Greg LOVES the red wagon.  I've been hunting for one to use when we get our own home.

 Ok, so this one was just a funny face he makes.
 I like this one.

Looks like a repeat, huh?  So pulling the hat off became quite the game. ;-)

I saved the cutest ones for the next post.


1 comment:

  1. I like the one with the caption "Really? More pictures? He was a fun little guy to work with.
