October 27, 2010

Autumn Nostalgia, Part 2

Autumn is the season for baking and for beautiful colors!  Days of reading, watching a good movie, soaking up the Indian summer sunshine, taking walks, shuffling leaves, wearing sweaters, crocheting, and snuggling with blankets on the couch with a special person.  Days of apple cider, gingersnaps, and did you know it's almost Christmas?!!?  Yes, I'm one of those crazy people that LOVES Christmas.  Plays Christmas music all year round.  Shops for presents early.  Invents new traditions.  Tries to see how long it is possible to extend Christmas.  Plans surprises galore.  This is my favorite time of year.  But I won't go into the "why's and wherefore's" right now.  More pictures:

 French Silk Pie.  This took me six hours to make.  But it was well worth it.  So was the look on my husband's face...and the dishes he washed.  :-)
 These pictures are a sampling of the colors that surround me right now.



  1. I cannot tell you how much I miss fall colors like that. Looking at your pictures almost makes me cry!

  2. We're ready for our fall weather. I think it's just around the corner.

  3. wait till you drive out to Indy.. the colors are AMAZING!! remember the tree out back? well, it is so beautifully red..truly breath taking!
