May 1, 2012

Growing Up

Greg is four months and charms us daily with his new skills and smiles.  He is a happy, content, peaceful child.  And yes, we're both biased and easily entertained. :-)  He likes to roll over and is working on sitting up.  But you don't want text, do you?

First, we took this crazy, but fun trip to TX so Greg could meet Brian's family.  We certainly enjoyed our visit, though Greg decided that crying for 20 + hours in the car was a good idea. 

Greg trying out the swing.

Greg and his cousins (minus baby Eden).

Granny and Greg

Doing what Greg does best: playing!

Playing with cousins--and Aunt Katie.  Jenny took a special interest in making sure Greg had his pacifier, toys, and a smile.

More cousins!

Like Father, like son...

Planting our balcony garden.  We planted a variety of flowers (pansies!!), zucchini, squash, lettuce, spinach, lots of herbs, peppers, and tomatoes.  We'll see what kind of crop our garden produces this year!

Brian's job was cleanup and heavy lifting while I put Greg down for a nap and made dinner.

Greg sitting up all by himself!  Looks more like the "Leaning Tower of Pisa."

My cute boy!

Greg loves to sit up on the sofa.  He has figured out how to sit up and roll to me on the sofa when he wants something.

There are lots more pictures to post, but I'll wait until later this week to post them (don't want to slow the internet too much).



  1. Cute boy! We definitely enjoyed him while y'all were here.

  2. Really enjoyed your visit. Thanks for keeping us posted as he grows. love PaPa

  3. What a cutie!!! I can't believe he is already starting to sit up. *kiss* Love, Grammy

  4. Wow, such a fun post! So glad I got to meet Greg and introduce him to his newest cousin - from these pictures it seems he sure has a crop of them! He sure has a winning smile!

  5. Oh my gosh... I have the cutest nephew EVER!
