May 6, 2012

Just Life

I thought I would share a few more pictures of Greg from the last few weeks; well, since he turned four months.

 Greg surprised us the morning he turned four months by pulling up to all fours and rocking back and forth.  I didn't quite catch it on camera; here he has collapsed a bit.  He gets so frustrated these days because he can't move around...though he is learning to roll to what he wants.

 I love his expression!

 A friend took me to a yard sale and I was able to find a few things very inexpensively!  The one thing I was looking for was a Jump-a-roo because Greg loves to jump these days!  I didn't find one, but I'm going to keep looking.

 I was folding laundry on the bed, and Greg decided to help me by unfolding all the piles he could reach. :)

 He likes to pull his knees up these days, or try to stick his feet in his mouth, or use his feet to propel him to places.



  1. I love pic #2, he's saying, "Come, smile with me!" Actually, I love them all. What an active fellow he's becoming.

  2. Hooray! Thank you for giving us more pictures. Your little man seems to be coming along just fine.

  3. Isn't amazing how having a little helper makes ordinary chores so much fun? I also like his pose in the computer chair - he looks like a big kid in that one.
