February 12, 2013

30 Day Challenge

I know it has been a while since I have posted, but I was hoping that our camera would have been found.  Unfortunately, it is still lost, as are the pictures I wanted to post next.  I am praying earnestly that it will be found...soon!  Normally I would write a catch up post, but I plan to do that Friday (as noted in the new blogging schedule I posted a few weeks ago).  Tuesday is supposed to be a project I'm working on, and I wanted to make note of that.

I'm doing something I have never done before.

For those of you who know me well, don't hold your breath.

I'm working on a...  *drum roll please*  EXERCISE CHALLENGE!!


That's right.  The girl who has an extreme dislike of exercise (except some pilates, walking, and the elliptical machine), and typically thought it a waste of time, is doing a 30 day challenge.  I've never been athletically gifted, and after my foot injury, never had time for it.  I'm the always-have-your-nose-stuck-in-a-book-research-a-topic-drink-tea sort of girl.  I've always admired the other type, though.  (Grass is greener on the other side?)

I have the last bit of baby weight I desperately want to lose, and I'd like to get back in shape.  Walking every day is helping, but not sufficient.

But I like challenges.  So I'm doing it.

Today is Day 2 of 30.  Last night, I couldn't even do the whole workout.  And it was amazing how many negative thoughts I had to mentally fight through as I battled last night.  Woke up sore, but not unbearably so.  I knew I had to do better tonight.  And I did!  I still was unable to complete a few things, but I did feel better.  The enjoyment factor still hasn't showed up yet, but the success is kind of fun.

Supposedly, on Day 5, I am supposed to feel a difference (slightly skeptical about promises).  This workout uses muscle confusion and a 3-2-1 ratio of cardio, strength, and abs to burn calories and build muscle.

I AM going to complete this, though.  (The doubts are present--I can't even lift my arms to my head at present because of the soreness)  But I'm doing it.  (And Brian makes a great cheer leader)

I also discovered that it helps to count.  I love to count.  I subconsciously count all the time--while I'm waiting, in bed, at a stop light--you name it!  Knowing that I have a particular number of minutes/seconds per exercise, and counting them, helps me finish.  It's having a goal to work for.  If I know I've got to do 60, well, then, that's much easier.

So there you have it.  My ramblings for the night.



  1. You can do it sweetheart! :-) Love you!

  2. You go girl! I already can't imagine keeping up with a toddler all day and then doing a workout.

  3. Learning to cope with the mental challenge is a good skill to learn. I've benefited in many other areas just from the mind training.
