February 22, 2013

Re-Cap of January and February

Last I left you, we had just returned from PA.  In that time, Greg has cut two more teeth, began walking (for real this time!), tried some new foods (cantaloupe, cauliflower, steak, and kiwi), and learned to roll a ball.  He loves to play chase!  He is also learning to identify animal sounds.  He knows the monkey says "ooh, ooh" (he makes a cute panting sound for this), and that lions and bear say "grrrr, or roar."  He can make the sound of a goat, too.  At this point, all other animals growl, apparently.  He is also learning colors, numbers, and letter recognition.  He can say "cracker" and "mama" and "all done."  He said his first sentence: "Mama, nana (banana) all done."  He is working on coming to Mommy, picking up his toys, and not throwing fits. ;-)  He loves to ride his car outside, and pushes his cousin Eden around everywhere, "ssshhing" her if she cries.  He bear crawls everywhere when he doesn't walk.

I attended a ladies retreat that was absolutely beautiful!  Also left Greg for the first time overnight (yikes!).

 The grounds were beautiful!

 Greg LOVES to swing and to play outside.  He is happiest left exploring the great outdoors.

 He also is fearless and enjoys sliding down the slide.  In the picture above, we are playing at Tiffany Park where they have a toddler park.  This is a great idea since Greg can climb all over everything and I don't have to worry about him falling from a great height.

 Planting the beginning of my container garden!  One year, I'll have a real garden, but for now, this works well.  Pineapple sage (attracts hummingbirds), spearmint, and flowers (wormwood, snapdragons, and a few others).

The cute little heart I made for Valentine's Day!  I love buttons!  It's 3D, though you can't tell very well from the picture.

We are still job hunting and house hunting, and trying to enjoy life where we are at!



  1. I sent the upside down tomato planter home with Mom.

  2. Great post, I love the pic of Greg swinging - he looks like he's super happy, and his hair is fluffing in the breeze. I also like you container garden - beautiful.
