January 23, 2013

"Let us not say goodbye..."

"Let us not say goodbye, but as the French would have it, 'au revoir!'"
- George Wickham, Pride and Prejudice

Yes indeed, a crazy, fun, whirlwind fortnight has passed and we are yet again, prepared to venture out into the world of travel and airlines. Hmm... yes. We've all had such a great time, with much fun had by all. Now our bags sit packed, awaiting tomorrow's morning flight.

I'm really glad that we had the opportunity to come up here to see family, play with Greg, and "relax" with those we love. ;-)

Until later!


January 22, 2013


Greg is learning to put things away!  He is doing a good job at it, too.  He has a bad cough right now, but is drinking my garlic lemonade without complaint.

I worked on sewing projects today.  I enjoy sewing when I make up a pattern instead of following one.  Frustration doesn't exist because I don't have to make it perfectly like a pattern.  I'm rather excited about them! The best part of making these skirts is seeing my creative side come out in something tangible.

Brian meanwhile has been able to exercise his creative side with the tiling of Mom's kitchen backsplash. It has turned out really spectacular.

Well, that's all for now!


January 21, 2013

Kitchen Remodel, Take Two

Today Brian worked on finishing the kitchen--one more day and we should be finished!  My husband is a genius at designing and working on stuff.  So much so, that while he was at Lowe's, a customer wanted to know if he would do a tile job for him.  Brian said he would be happy to, if he was around longer.  Several people said that if they had known that our circumstances would be like they are now, they would have paid Brian to remodel and we could stay longer.  All that to say, my husband's amazing skills are in high demand--a fact which makes a proud wife very happy!

It began to snow...but only a dusting.  Still cold for the workman, though.  I kept him supplied with hot beverages.  The really big storm is coming on Friday.  Funny thing is, if we had kept with our original plan, we would be here for it.  As it is, we will miss it, or get stuck in an airport somewhere.  Ironic, eh?  Should make this weekend hugely interesting!

 These lovelies are gingerbread cupcakes with cream cheese frosting!  The gingerbread was perfect-molasses-y, dark, fall-apart-in-your-mouth, soft, warm, fluffy deliciousness.  A pinterest recipe.  And not very sweet.  Definitely a keeper--can't have a winter pass by without making gingerbread and rice pudding!

 The tile job Brian designed himself!  All that is left is to grout and finishing painting.  Makes me think of the verse in Genesis where God saw all that He made and it was good!  So much fun to help other people achieve their dreams--whether family or friends in TX, around the world, or here in PA.

I took a video of Greg learning a new skill today--one he taught himself!  Hoping it breeds helpfulness to Mommy around the house soon.  I've tried to upload it four times now, but it isn't working.  I'll try again later.  The little tyke is so indecisive about walking!  He'll stand for ages, put a foot out, bend down as if to crawl, and repeat....before deciding to just crawl.  He's just gonna get up the courage to do it someday.  It is fun to watch this stage.  Watch him grow in confidence.  Watch him test the limits.  He has changed SO much the last month.  He "reads" to himself now.  And rocks and "sings."  I have been attempting to expand his sign language vocabulary, but for some reason, every new word we learn, ends up like the sign for "eat."  He understands the word, but for some reason, I can't get a difference in individual signs.  Ah well.  At least we are communicating!  He will sign for please, thank you, and your welcome (but all the same sign!).


January 20, 2013

Sunday Rest

Today was spent mostly as a sick day. Everyone around here has a nasty cold...except me...so far.

In spite of everyone resting today, we had a fairly lively discussion on Heaven. What it would be like, how much (if any) of our former lives we would remember, colors and sounds that might exist that we do not have the ability to see or hear right now, what we would do, etc.

Snow is predicted for tomorrow, and I sincerely hope we get some, since it is our last chance. Praying we have a peaceful, restful night, and that all is well tomorrow.


January 19, 2013

Kitchen Remodel and the Sweetest Place on Earth

Picture time, as promised!

Today was spent mostly doing a kitchen remodel, and we have more to do on Monday.

Last Sunday we took a trip to Hershey Chocolate World: the Sweetest Place on Earth!

 Greg loved all the pictures on the walls, and I was sure his little pointy finger would become worn out before the end of the trip. ;-)

 He could only stare in awe, mouth open, at everything; especially the singing cows.  He danced and sang right along with them.  There is no way for me to describe his face, but we loved watching his delight.  What's better than going on field trips?  Seeing your children experience them!

 Pointer finger poised and ready for action!

 The little stinker wouldn't look at the camera, but he sure enjoyed the chocolate!  Since he has had some, any time he spies a wrapper, he asks to eat it.  He also tried pickled eggs and beets and salt and vinegar chips this week.  He was so insistent about trying them, that I gave him some.  His face became quite the sour pucker, but he kept going back for more until his Daddy declared him his Mother's boy (in regard to food).

 The little bit of snow we got.  I'm still holding out for more. Greg wasn't quite sure what to make of it.  He touched it, but thought it too cold and tried to shake it off.

 More Christmas at Great-Grandpa and Grandma's!

 He made this face right when I took a picture--he's such a ham!  Takes after his Daddy when it comes time to take pictures. 

 He is saying "hello mama" with the play phone.

 Great-Grandma fed him chocolate.  After devouring it and looking at his sticky hands, he reached for a cloth and handed it to me.  Maybe a clean child?

 Riding on Uncle Ethan's express way!

 The new entry way floor!

 Cutting countertops...
 This little guy wanted to help so badly, but was banished by the older guys...

 Before picture...
 Not sure how, but this little munchkin keeps sneaking in every other picture or so.

 My amazing husband hard at work!

Progress thus far!  More to come later next week, and someday, the rest of Mom's dreams.


January 18, 2013

Whirldwind of a Day

Highlights from Today:

*Greg is walking!  Well, almost.  He walked to me today.  You know the kind: randomly-out-of-the-blue-totally-unexpectedly-no-coaxing kind of walking.  He steadied himself on me, and continued walking to the sofa, Uncle Ethan, Auntie Gaylie, etc.  He's choosy about doing it, but he's definitely showing more progress!  I'm super excited and know it won't be long now before he's walking everywhere!!

*Aunt Lianne has taught Greg to say "hello" with the phone.  It's pretty cute.  And to do a high five.

*Uncle Ethan gave Greg rides all over the house in a box.  And whipped him around corners.  He LOVED it!

*Got my hair cut today by the lady who usually cuts my hair.  Good to see her and get a great hair cut!  Brian asked me to get highlights done, since he likes it that way.  Gayle worked on them for me, and in the process, Greg started to fuss and ask for dinner.  I was going to hold him, but after one look at me (you have to put this weird cap thing on and look like an alien), and started crying.  Yup, completely terrified.  Buried his head on Aunt Gayle and wouldn't go anywhere near me.  He would cautiously look, but it was as if he had no idea who I was, though the voice was the same.  Poor kid.  Once we were done, I gave him a hug, and he gave me the biggest grin.  (Should I admit I laughed at him?)  Brian even gave me a hug to try to let Greg know it was okay, but he was buying none of it.

*Brian worked on laying more flooring today and getting supplies for a kitchen remodel tomorrow.  He taught me how to lay the floor, too.  This stuff is kinda fun!  I do love to design and decorate (even better when I can just go with whatever I want to do).

*Mom and I spent the afternoon thrift shopping at a favorite store, and also headed out to the neatest Farmer's Market.  Got to sample some great foods and see neat things.  Picked up raw milk so I can teach them how to make yogurt.

*Tomorrow morning I'm making waffles for breakfast, then it's Project House time!

(and pictures tomorrow, promise)


January 17, 2013

New Blogging Plan

Due to an extreme amount of fatigue and "can't think" syndrome in the author of this blog, and extreme distraction and lack of inspiration from the spouse of said author, I am going to wait to post about today until the weekend.  However, I will propose a new  blog plan that we have discussed.  I'd like to do other posts besides daily entries....so...  The idea is to do this...with lots of flexibility.

Sunday: Thought Provoking Entry

Monday: Daily Entry

Tuesday: Project I'm working on

Wednesday: Daily Entry

Thursday: Book and Movie Reviews

Friday: Weekly Recap and Special Events

Saturday: Menu Plan for the Week

This won't go into effect until I return home...



So Close, Yet So Far

Gregory is so close to walking, and yet he doesn't know it.  He has amazed us today at the amount of time he will stand, without realizing it.  He holds up a toy for us to see, shaking it in delight, growling, and standing on his own.  He'll even take steps from place to place without cruising.  He could walk, but he doesn't know it yet.

Sometimes I feel this way in my walk and relationship with Christ.  How close I can be to freedom.  To joy.  Peace.  Love.  Anything, really.  And yet, so far away.

It requires a choice.  A small choice, but one that will definitely change my destiny, even for a small moment during the course of the day.  God watches as I learn to walk.  Helps me along the way.  Guides my path.  Gives me grace and strength.  Hope.  Even when I don't realize it.  Don't feel it. 

Amazing how much children teach us, eh?

Brian worked on choosing materials to remodel my parents' house today.  So far, he has the landing floor complete.  It looks great--my husband is a genius!

And Greg said "cracker" (ka-ker) today.  And "all done."


January 15, 2013

Many Generations

 This is my grandparents' farmhouse in western MD.  It's a lovely drive, nothing around for miles but beautiful farmland, mountains, rolling hills, and loads of trees, creeks, and brooks.  The three of us traveled there to visit Greg's great-grandparents on my Mom's side of the family.  This house is newly built, as the old farmhouse burnt down in an accident last year.  It was awful!  They are starting again; this place has so much history.  We enjoyed talking with them about their housing materials, and comparing notes with what my SIL Amy is choosing to use.  I LOVE their floor!  In the kitchen and entry way, it's tiled.  However, this is a different tile.  Porcelain on top, vinyl underneath.  It's warmer, not as hard, and easier on your feet, and extremely durable.  It looks lovely.  My Pop-Pop explained that he chose more traditional materials, like copper plumbing, because they can stand the test of time, and he doesn't trust the newer stuff, though it is less expensive, because he's not sure that it would last 100 years.  Their advice to us was that quality matters. 

Greg had a blast opening and closing every cabinet and finding its treasures.  He smiled and charmed his way into the hearts of those watching him.  I think my grandfather truly enjoyed watching him play, and asked to keep him.  My Grammy kept him occupied with all kinds of fun things.  And of course, he loved her hot dogs and cookies!

Later on, we visited Brian's former work here in MD, and his boss's family.  It's always so much fun to visit with friends and family.

We left early because there was a winter advisory out and we didn't want to be stuck in both snow and traffic during rush hour.  As it was, we only received a bit of slush.  I'm still holding out hope that it will snow once while we are here.

This bird is keeping watch over the land.  Reminds me of how God, though sometimes seemingly silent, continues to keep watch over his children.  Through many generations.


January 14, 2013

How Many Books Can You Read?

I am making the most of my babysitter time, and using it to accomplish things I normally don't have much time to do, and yet miss so much...reading!  Since we left on Thursday, I have read one book, am halfway through another, and today went to the library to collect more books.  I enjoy a variety of reading, though historical fiction, fantasy, and mythology (or good literature) happen to be my favorites.  I am reading Rick Riordan's series on mythology, "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" right now. The story is pretty good.  The writing style....is easy reading.  Not quite what I typically prefer.  I don't think they'll ever make the classics, especially because they have a touch of teen drama, but it's clean so far, and the story is fun.  We'll see how far I'll get.

Greg and I walked to the library today, since I didn't have a carseat available.  I like walking in TX better because there aren't so many hills.  Much harder to push baby uphill than on flat ground.  Enjoyed visiting with friends today, and helping my sister with her schoolwork.

My little lad seems to be changing daily....though I think it's just my perception.  He tried a new food today-harvard beets! 

Today was a thought provoking day.  I arrived at a few realizations, but I'll save posting about them for another time.  We have an early day tomorrow...


January 13, 2013

A Moisty Sunday

Hello hello!

This is Brian this time. Alicia is absorbed in some book (titled Byzantium I think). Speaking of reads, I recently finished a new book that I started on the flight here. It is called Storm Over Warlock and was written in the 1960s, I believe. The library in Bryan was getting rid of it and I grabbed it because it looked interesting. It's a sci-fi book that is similar to any of the Tom Swift books. It was enjoyable and read fast.

Today broke with ashen skies moisting on the Susquehanna Valley here in PA. I say moisting because it wasn't raining, and neither was it dry. We headed for church with the family. These are the beauties we had with us:
Heard a great message, then home for lunch.

After lunch and Greg's nap, we traveled the short distance to Hershey for Greg's first trip to Hershey Chocolate World. But that's a story for later.

When we got back, it was Aunt Lianne who wound up Greg.
They crawled all over the house, raising a racket and discovered a new game! Chase down and pet Macco! Macco is the bum dog who lives here, mooching food and stroking off of anyone willing to give it.
Full of energy until it was all expended, Greg had a blast.

Until later,

Pip pip!


January 12, 2013

Of Sickness and Jammin'

Last night's events were a new experience for Brian and I.  A sudden circumstance that a parent dreads and hopes to never deal with.  And possibly the longest night of my life.  Worse than even labor.

Just as Brian and I settled down for the night, began to relax and talk, we heard this horrible gurgling sound, looking at each other in bewilderment and horror.  That led to rapidly turning on the lights, running for towels and buckets, and getting bath water warm.  Throughout the course of the night, Greg threw up by turns, and we tried to keep him calm and cleaned up.  We were thankful for the sleep we did get, that he got sick here and not the airplane, and that he was just fine today...except a bit more tired than usual.

The highlight of today was going to St. Thomas Roasters.  It's a local coffee shop where the owner roasts his own beans.  I grew up going there.  Quaint little shop.  Small, cute, old.  Smells like the dark, musky aroma of coffee beans from numerous countries.  The aura wafts over you as you enter the building.  You see coffee everywhere.  Pure love.  Tasty delight.

Tonight there was a local group of elderly gentlemen who entertained us with old songs, some of which they composed.  Guitar, mandolin, banjo, harmonica, dulcimer, auto harp, and singing.  I didn't know a harmonica could do the things the guy did with it.  Not professional, but just good ol' jammin' by a group of musicians having fun with each other.  Old friendships.  It was a great way to end the day.  Relaxation. (We left Greg in bed with Auntie Gayle)

 The shop!

 Our local entertainment.

The coffee roaster!



January 11, 2013

Christmas in January

Greg slept in today for us, and we had a relaxing day at home.  Greg is enjoying mooching food off of his aunties, playing games with Uncle Ethan, cuddling with Gran, and playing peek-a-boo with Grandad.  Greg also is having the best fun growling at Macco and chasing his tail all around the house.  Alicia is enjoying a break from childcare and having fun browsing old haunts.  Brian is hanging out an making plans.

But the best part of the day....

....was Christmas #2 for Greg!  He dove right in, tearing up paper, crinkling bows, and crowing with delight as he crawled into the gift bag and came up with paper in his mouth.  (yep, he's getting spoiled)


January 10, 2013

Off We Go Into the Wild Blue

*Pictures coming tomorrow*

Greg flew on a jet plane for the first time today!  And he LOVED it!  Daddy's boy after all.  He charmed absolutely everyone he encountered, and everyone said he did such a great job.  The pilot was taken with him, a young father said it made him miss his son the same age at home, and another passenger offered him a toy car (yellow mustang to be exact), and told him not to eat it.  Not sure we totally conquered that one...

He loved looking out the window, and as soon as the engines came on loudly, he growled with enthusiasm and clapped his hands.  Mommy didn't fare quite as well since the first part of the flight was rather bumpy, and she became rather motion sick.  The last 45 minutes of the flight was a bit difficult since Greg continually signed "night night."  He just wanted to go to sleep--to be laid down and left alone (didn't want to be held).  We plowed through and thought up random amusements to pass the time away.

We also discovered that traveling with a young child makes everyone super nice to you.  Security was a breeze (the ladies were taken with his smile, tilted head, and fluffy hair--the new do!).  And we had the extra seat in the row all to ourselves because no one comes anywhere near you. ;-)  Snacks and juice kept the young lad fairly happy as well (the flight attendants went so far as to keep his sippy cup full with half juice and half water).

Greg slept from BWI to Harrisburg in the car, then proceeded to charm his northern relatives just fine.  Still not to sure when Mommy isn't around, but decided to be rather cute.  (Mommy has a feeling he's going to be spoiled)

When all is said and done, it was an uneventful, successful trip.


January 9, 2013

Dallas, Here We Come

Thus morning brought a flurry of activity while we scrambled to finish packing, clean, and prepare for our trip...all while dodging large, rapidly falling raindrops. We set off for Dallas, only thirty minutes behind schedule. I realized I forgot my hair stuff, but was not worried because I knew my sisters have plenty. We had a fairly uneven true trip, and Greg was pretty good. Seven miles before we reached our exit, we became stuck in traffic...for the next hour and a half. Like a good Mother, I sang songs and fed the passengers snacks to retain the good cheer.

And since then, we have had a marvelous time with friends. Talking, laughing, enjoying good food...probably the best steak of my life! Good espresso. Great conversations.

And now...to get some rest. We leave here by 7 tomorrow morning.


January 8, 2013

January 7, 2013

The Sauerkraut Experiment, Stage 1

Guess what I did today?  I started......sauerkraut!  I love sauerkraut--and it's sooo good for you!  Eat it plain, on bread, on Reuben sandwiches, with mashed potatoes or turkey or ham, or.... 

We shall see how it goes!

 Greg had a minor accident with his highchair over dinner, so here I'm trying to make him laugh and forget about it.

 Love my boy!
We all enjoy watching the birds and squirrels at our bird feeder.  The cats are determined to find a way to get to it, and their antics are rather amusing.

I'm going to keep this short and sweet because I have new library books waiting to be open, explored, devoured, and loved.
