January 18, 2013

Whirldwind of a Day

Highlights from Today:

*Greg is walking!  Well, almost.  He walked to me today.  You know the kind: randomly-out-of-the-blue-totally-unexpectedly-no-coaxing kind of walking.  He steadied himself on me, and continued walking to the sofa, Uncle Ethan, Auntie Gaylie, etc.  He's choosy about doing it, but he's definitely showing more progress!  I'm super excited and know it won't be long now before he's walking everywhere!!

*Aunt Lianne has taught Greg to say "hello" with the phone.  It's pretty cute.  And to do a high five.

*Uncle Ethan gave Greg rides all over the house in a box.  And whipped him around corners.  He LOVED it!

*Got my hair cut today by the lady who usually cuts my hair.  Good to see her and get a great hair cut!  Brian asked me to get highlights done, since he likes it that way.  Gayle worked on them for me, and in the process, Greg started to fuss and ask for dinner.  I was going to hold him, but after one look at me (you have to put this weird cap thing on and look like an alien), and started crying.  Yup, completely terrified.  Buried his head on Aunt Gayle and wouldn't go anywhere near me.  He would cautiously look, but it was as if he had no idea who I was, though the voice was the same.  Poor kid.  Once we were done, I gave him a hug, and he gave me the biggest grin.  (Should I admit I laughed at him?)  Brian even gave me a hug to try to let Greg know it was okay, but he was buying none of it.

*Brian worked on laying more flooring today and getting supplies for a kitchen remodel tomorrow.  He taught me how to lay the floor, too.  This stuff is kinda fun!  I do love to design and decorate (even better when I can just go with whatever I want to do).

*Mom and I spent the afternoon thrift shopping at a favorite store, and also headed out to the neatest Farmer's Market.  Got to sample some great foods and see neat things.  Picked up raw milk so I can teach them how to make yogurt.

*Tomorrow morning I'm making waffles for breakfast, then it's Project House time!

(and pictures tomorrow, promise)



  1. Wow, sounds like fun things are happening! Glad you're teaching them how to make yogurt, you really seem to have good effects on others diet - Lindsey is now a believer in your garlic lemonade! Yay for Greg and all the new things he is doing, so fun for your family to see!

  2. Wow! You guys sound busy! Glad you're having lots of fun.
