January 21, 2013

Kitchen Remodel, Take Two

Today Brian worked on finishing the kitchen--one more day and we should be finished!  My husband is a genius at designing and working on stuff.  So much so, that while he was at Lowe's, a customer wanted to know if he would do a tile job for him.  Brian said he would be happy to, if he was around longer.  Several people said that if they had known that our circumstances would be like they are now, they would have paid Brian to remodel and we could stay longer.  All that to say, my husband's amazing skills are in high demand--a fact which makes a proud wife very happy!

It began to snow...but only a dusting.  Still cold for the workman, though.  I kept him supplied with hot beverages.  The really big storm is coming on Friday.  Funny thing is, if we had kept with our original plan, we would be here for it.  As it is, we will miss it, or get stuck in an airport somewhere.  Ironic, eh?  Should make this weekend hugely interesting!

 These lovelies are gingerbread cupcakes with cream cheese frosting!  The gingerbread was perfect-molasses-y, dark, fall-apart-in-your-mouth, soft, warm, fluffy deliciousness.  A pinterest recipe.  And not very sweet.  Definitely a keeper--can't have a winter pass by without making gingerbread and rice pudding!

 The tile job Brian designed himself!  All that is left is to grout and finishing painting.  Makes me think of the verse in Genesis where God saw all that He made and it was good!  So much fun to help other people achieve their dreams--whether family or friends in TX, around the world, or here in PA.

I took a video of Greg learning a new skill today--one he taught himself!  Hoping it breeds helpfulness to Mommy around the house soon.  I've tried to upload it four times now, but it isn't working.  I'll try again later.  The little tyke is so indecisive about walking!  He'll stand for ages, put a foot out, bend down as if to crawl, and repeat....before deciding to just crawl.  He's just gonna get up the courage to do it someday.  It is fun to watch this stage.  Watch him grow in confidence.  Watch him test the limits.  He has changed SO much the last month.  He "reads" to himself now.  And rocks and "sings."  I have been attempting to expand his sign language vocabulary, but for some reason, every new word we learn, ends up like the sign for "eat."  He understands the word, but for some reason, I can't get a difference in individual signs.  Ah well.  At least we are communicating!  He will sign for please, thank you, and your welcome (but all the same sign!).


1 comment:

  1. fun times - so glad Brian is putting his skills to work on our place as well!
