January 10, 2013

Off We Go Into the Wild Blue

*Pictures coming tomorrow*

Greg flew on a jet plane for the first time today!  And he LOVED it!  Daddy's boy after all.  He charmed absolutely everyone he encountered, and everyone said he did such a great job.  The pilot was taken with him, a young father said it made him miss his son the same age at home, and another passenger offered him a toy car (yellow mustang to be exact), and told him not to eat it.  Not sure we totally conquered that one...

He loved looking out the window, and as soon as the engines came on loudly, he growled with enthusiasm and clapped his hands.  Mommy didn't fare quite as well since the first part of the flight was rather bumpy, and she became rather motion sick.  The last 45 minutes of the flight was a bit difficult since Greg continually signed "night night."  He just wanted to go to sleep--to be laid down and left alone (didn't want to be held).  We plowed through and thought up random amusements to pass the time away.

We also discovered that traveling with a young child makes everyone super nice to you.  Security was a breeze (the ladies were taken with his smile, tilted head, and fluffy hair--the new do!).  And we had the extra seat in the row all to ourselves because no one comes anywhere near you. ;-)  Snacks and juice kept the young lad fairly happy as well (the flight attendants went so far as to keep his sippy cup full with half juice and half water).

Greg slept from BWI to Harrisburg in the car, then proceeded to charm his northern relatives just fine.  Still not to sure when Mommy isn't around, but decided to be rather cute.  (Mommy has a feeling he's going to be spoiled)

When all is said and done, it was an uneventful, successful trip.



  1. I would often rather be feeling bad than have my kid fussing in those kinds of situations.

  2. Praise God for an uneventful trip! Sure beats driving for so many hours with a crying baby :-) So glad you're home!
