January 17, 2013

New Blogging Plan

Due to an extreme amount of fatigue and "can't think" syndrome in the author of this blog, and extreme distraction and lack of inspiration from the spouse of said author, I am going to wait to post about today until the weekend.  However, I will propose a new  blog plan that we have discussed.  I'd like to do other posts besides daily entries....so...  The idea is to do this...with lots of flexibility.

Sunday: Thought Provoking Entry

Monday: Daily Entry

Tuesday: Project I'm working on

Wednesday: Daily Entry

Thursday: Book and Movie Reviews

Friday: Weekly Recap and Special Events

Saturday: Menu Plan for the Week

This won't go into effect until I return home...




  1. Good idea to put your menu plan on Saturday so that we can copy it :)

  2. Know how "can't think" days go - I've had that on writing projects before. Amazing how it's hard to force things like that.

  3. Sounds great, interesting variety.
